Are You Romanticising Your Life?
Romanticising your life is something that I preach to all of my clients. One particular client, who I have worked with over the last year, asked if I could show more often how I romanticise my own life, and as I am always here to serve, this is exactly what I am doing.
Romanticising your life is about finding joy and pleasure in your everyday life and creating a special event out of it for yourself. For example, as I write this blog post, I am sitting in my window seat in my apartment, looking at the most picturesque view of the river in front of me, with boats going up and down and beyond that are hills filled with an abundance of beautifully colored green trees. I have my music playing (Sabrina Claudio), my candles are lit and a G&T is by my side (it is a Thursday evening after all).
I could have easily squeezed writing this blog post in between clients or on a Monday morning just sat at my desk after I have rolled out of bed but instead, I have a habit of creating an event out of things in my life. I of course acknowledge my freedom to be able to do this from owning my own business but I also did this when I was commuting every day up to London, working full-time in the NHS. It was at this time, after a break-up and being single for the first time in 7 years. I knew it was now up to me to look after myself and bring the romance into my own life. So I made a commitment to myself to make every day events ‘cute’ and special, like getting my coffee each morning, walking across Westminster Bridge and ensuring I really noticed how the River Thames sparkled or even when I didn’t feel like it, putting on a dress that made me feel good and spraying my favorite perfume.
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Romanticising your life is more than just putting on a candle (although a good place to start). It’s about connecting with yourself deeply, knowing that you deserve to make life magical for yourself, to do kind things for yourself, and to create more indulgence in your everyday life. It’s key to building your self-worth and bringing more happiness and love into your life.
It can start with you just taking an extra five minutes to enjoy your coffee in the morning, buying yourself a special shower gel or moisturiser to use every day, buying yourself flowers every Friday (this is something I do every week) or creating a mid-afternoon mocktail and pouring it into beautiful glassware. I have included some of my favorite products below to get you started.
As always, I love to hear from you, so make sure you DM me on Instagram telling me how you intend to romanticise your life or the things that you already do!
Love & light always,
Lucy x